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Parser checks

After loading all locales, the parser does a series of checkes on the given set.

Check 1: presence of translations for all locales

If the full set of translations is missing for a locale in the configured Rosetta::AvailableLocales annotation, the parser will raise an error similar to the following:

Error: Expected to find translations for:

  ‣ en
  ‣ nl
  ‣ fr

But missing all translations for:

  ‣ fr

Check 2: presence of ruling key set in all alternative locales

The Rosetta::DefaultLocale annotation will define the key set that should be present in every alternative locale. If keys are missing, you'll get an error like the one below:

Error: Missing keys for locale "nl":

  ‣ user.first_name
  ‣ user.gender.male
  ‣ user.gender.female
  ‣ user.gender.non_binary

Check 3: no additional keys in alternative locales

If any of the alternative locales has keys that aren't present in the key set of the Rosetta::DefaultLocale annotation, the parser will raise an error:

Error: The "nl" locale has unused keys:

  ‣ user.date_of_birth

Check 4: interpolation keys are present in every translation

If a translation in the Rosetta::DefaultLocale has one or more interpolation keys, then those interpolation keys should also be present in the alternative locales. If not, an error similar to the following will be raised:

Error: Some translations have mismatching interpolation keys:

  ‣ nl: "message.welcome" should contain "%{first_name}"
  ‣ nl: "base.validations.min_max" should contain "%{min}"
  ‣ nl: "base.validations.min_max" should contain "%{max}"
  ‣ fr: "message.welcome" should contain "%{first_name}"

Check 5: pluralization tags are present in every translation

Every pluralization rule has a Rosetta::Pluralization::CategoryTags annotation defining which tags should be present in every pluralizable translation. If they are not, an error will be raised:

Error: Some pluralizable translations are missing category tags:
  ‣ en: "basket.items" is missing "one"
  ‣ nl: "inbox.messages" is missing "few"